How 5 healthcare organizations are investing in AI for patient care

Modern Healthcare

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Valencia Chloe

May 1, 2024

Healthcare organizations are investing millions of dollars into artificial intelligence to achieve a faster and more accurate care delivery model.

Many systems nationwide are already employing Al for back-office functions such as revenue cycle management, and interest is growing in determining how Al can directly impact patient care and lead to more efficient operations.

Few systems provide details on the scope of their investments. A National Bureau of Economic Research study published in January estimated widespread Al adoption could save the U.S. healthcare industry up to $360 billion a year.

Radiological imaging has become one of the most popular use cases for Al, as the technology is often able to spot abnormalities and detect cancers more quickly than clinicians. However, most providers say they are interested in Al as a tool to augment human intelligence, not replace it.

"There is always some initial skepticism," said Dr. Howard Chen, chief imaging informatics officer at Ohio's Cleveland Clinic. "There is a trust that has to be built between the [provider] and the algorithm... That also helps us to slowly transform our culture from, 'I don't know if Al is actually going to be helpful, to, It is a tool, and it is a tool for me to do my job better.*

Here's a snapshot of how five healthcare organizations are investing in Al.

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Valencia Chloe

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